This week we experience a taste of Fall with the first killing frost. Some you have “tasted” Fall for a while by eating the goodies out of the garden. Nevertheless, the Fall season is here, and we have had no control of its arrival and have no control of any of the weather patterns that might come about during it.
However, there is one who does have control of the seasons and the weather – Jesus. So, “let me tell you about my Jesus.”
Luk 8:22 One day he got into a boat with his disciples, and he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side of the lake.” So, they set out,
Luk 8:23 and as they sailed he fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water and were in danger.
Luk 8:24 And they went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm.
Luk 8:25 He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?”
Put yourself in the shoes of the disciples. These guys were experienced fishermen who made their livelihood by living on the water. At the point of this story, they were out of the league in terms of the storm they were experiencing. (I have read where the Sea of Galilee can experience sudden storms with little or no warning.) The storm that the disciples were experiencing was not out of the realm of possibilities. However, as I stated earlier, they were out of their league in handling their boat. Look at their actions. They went to Jesus to get help and were not disappointed. Jesus had done some miracles but nothing like this.
One can only wonder if the disciples really understood who Jesus was and His capabilities. I think that they went to Him out of desperation, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” I bet you and I, if we thought we were going to die in a similar situation, would cry out to Jesus. Jesus’ response is a one-two punch, “Where is your faith?” Like, “Hey guys what are you thinking?” Clearly, the disciples were beyond thinking at that point.
Jesus’ actions and the storm’s response is mind blowing. (No pun intended.) The wind and the raging waves suddenly stopped. Verse 24 states it was calm. I do not know about you, any time that I have been on a lake or ocean, the waves caused by the wind or other source do not immediately become still
nor I have I ever experience the aftermath of a storm to be suddenly, instantaneously quiet. In this case it did. Again, put yourself in the shoes of the disciples. You would be wondering, “How did that happen?” “All He did was speak!”
You and I face challenges, “storms,” daily. Many times, we think that we can “handle” it, only to find out that we are way out of our league. Let us be like the disciples and reach out to Jesus only before it becomes a crisis and think we are “perishing.” We know that, like the above incident on the Sea of
Galilee, Jesus will be there to calm our storm.
Wanted: 2-3 fans for some of the classrooms for better air circulation.
Wanted: 6th gr. Teacher – beginning in January. Kindergarten sub-teacher November 17, 18, & 21.
Mark your calendars for the annual FALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER event!
Come enjoy an adult-only evening of Dinner, Music and Live Dessert Auction. Sunday, October 23rd at Bloom Lake Barn in Shafer, MN from 5:00-8:00pm. Get your $20 tickets at the VCS Office by October 14th. We look forward to seeing you there!
The school is conducting a special Pie in the Face/Change (money) War beginning Monday October 3rd. The proceeds (the goal is $7000) of this fundraiser goes towards painting the new bus. (Pictured below.)
Last week, I featured a key chain fundraiser and commented that it might make a great Christmas gift. This week I conducted auditions for the MS/HS Christmas play. I am going to need help with costumes and set/props. If you are interested, contact me.
The next regularly scheduled VCS Board meeting will be next week on October 4th .
Pressing forward for His glory,
Oct. 3 Pie in the face fundraiser begins
Oct. 4 6:00 Board Meeting
Oct. 7 Wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Oct. 10 Senior Parent Night for Volleyball
Oct. 23 5:00-8:00 Fall Festival Fundraiser
Oct. 24-27 Spirit Week
Oct. 28 No School
Nov. 3-6 Creation Museum/ARK High School Field Trip
Tonight is the last game for Football. Come cheer on your Jaguars!
5:00 – 810 S 7th St, Luck, WI
All Jaguar games are on the website. Click on the event to see address, which teams are playing, and bus times.
Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.
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