Feb. 16, 2023



As you know, we said our good-byes to Mr. Brace yesterday. There were a few tears, but lot’s of love and prayers.

The elementary students celebrated their Read-A-Thon Contest this afternoon. All the kids did an awesome job! The winners with the most minutes are as follows: Micah Slattengren with a whopping 3,686 minutes! Ralph Lefler came in second with 2,900 minutes and Piper Polzin took the 3rd spot with 2,490 minutes! 

There will be no school on Monday for President’s day.

We are still in need of one or two more individuals that could substitue teach when needed. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited school is needed.

This is a reminder that if you intend to continue to participate in the Wisconsin School Choice program, you need to re-sign up. Now is the time to do that.

The annual Ed. Fair / Open House is on it’s way! The students can’t wait to show you the projects that they have been working on.

Second graders are buying and selling items in their store to learn the value of money.


School Choice registration is live
Feb. 17       K-4 Como Zoo field trip
Feb. 20       Presidents’ Day – No School
Mar. 2-4      CAL Tournament
Mar. 7          6:00 School Board Meeting
Mar. 17       End of Quarter
Mar.23        Ed Fair – Open House


Basketball and hockey are in full swing. Come cheer on your Jaguars!

Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.

Follow the Jaguars on Instagram!


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