A note from the Administrator
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
It was my great privilege to accompany our 9th-12th grade students to Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum and Noah’s Ark last November. Along with myself was a terrific group of chaperones: Mrs. Rosenow, Mr. Perrin, and Mr. Fisk. Long had my heart settled on the word “promises” ( Jan. 2022) which sent me to His Word daily to seek His character and faithfulness regarding them.
The song “Build a Boat” by Colton Dixon became a favorite among many of us and led to conversations on our faith and His faithfulness. It was there on a basement floor with students that we wrote cries of our hearts to our God and later took those same prayers making boats out of them (origami style), reminding ourselves that when we approach the throne with faith that is just like “building boats in the sand.” Oftentimes, the situation we are in looks far from a climate conducive to “an answer.” It very much looks like a boat in the sand and we ask ourselves where is the rain? Where is the answer?
For myself, I found Jesus miraculously answered some of my deepest prayers. He so personally and perfectly revealed His character.
My prayer is that we lean completely and dependently on our Heavenly Father for our needs, for our daily bread, for those we know who have yet to come to know Him, and for the deepest cries of our heart. I pray that surrender becomes our sacrifice and that He increases our faith as we offer Him everything in obedience.
God bless each of you, your families, your children, our students, and our former and future students as well. And may God raise our faith as we seek Him and know Him.
Building committee
Thank you to all who have shown interest in the Building Committee! This will be the building committee that sees VCS into their first school owned building. These are exciting times. The job before this committee is great, but our prayers and blessings are with them. We will be sure to keep the VCS family updated as items move forward!
We had great participation from our staff, family, friends, and students. It was a success in so many ways. Special thanks to all those who organized the event. Your part is so appreciated. Your efforts led to a beautiful day, much laughter, and many memories!
Alumni highlights
Welcome to a new corner of the newsletter, “Alumni Highlights” where we hope to focus on former graduates’ accomplishments and whereabouts in this great big world! We hope to highlight one or more once a month.
If you have a graduate or are a graduate and want to share what the biggest news is, please send to me or the office. We are so proud. Once part of the VCS family, always part of the VCS family.
In Christ,
Kathy Thompson
A printable academic calendar for the school year 2023-2024 is on the website.
Aug. 22 6:00 Welcome Back Night / Corporate Meeting
Aug. 24 First Day of School!
7-12 Grades Science Teacher
3rd Grade Teacher
Substitute Teachers
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