If you don’t mind, I’ll share a couple verses on my heart this week. They come from John 13.
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:34-35
Something that really touched my heart was the “reason” and “result” of “loving one another.” Jesus says, “by this all men will know that you are my disciples.” I found it important to note that it was not so they will “know you are right”; “understand you are smart”; or “see you are good.” As humans we can fill in the blanks with numerous motivations why we should love “this person” or “that person.” We may begin to think “what will I get out of this?” Or we may parade in our minds what someone else has or has not done for us.
Again, the reason we love one another is “so all men will know” that we are His disciples. What’s important is that we associate ourselves with His Name and Represent Him Well. It is all about His Name. It is not about Ours.
Have a beautiful fall weekend! God bless you. He is good.
Kathy Thompson
Jaguar JH Football!
We are so proud of our JH Football team! They played Clayton last night. The score was 6 to 46 and though it was not a win on the field it was a win as a team working together and growing together! Keep it up, Jaguars!
River Valley Christian Athletic League
We are wishing good luck to our soccer and volleyball students headed to Cambridge Christian School today! We are very proud of you! Keep working hard and make sure we are updated on your games!
Operation Christmas Child!!
We are very excited to share that our 9th-12th grade will be going to Aurora, Illinois to serve at the Operation Christmas Child Warehouse!! It has been hard to break history and tradition when the warehouse moved from Minneapolis to Illinois. Our students have been serving in this way for nearly 20 years!! Each year is special. It impacts eternity, and meets critical needs here on earth. I am excited for our students to be part of this “story.” – More information will be forthcoming!
Bob Jones Visiting!
Representatives from Bob Jones University will be visiting On October 9th and sharing in seminars 7th-8th and 9th-12th on “Worldview.” We will keep you posted and look forward to them sharing with our students.
Elementary Inservice October 13th
A reminder that there will be no school for elementary students K-6th on Friday October 13th. Our elementary teachers together with administration will be in Professional Development classes and activities. Please mark your calendars. And thank you for your cooperation!!
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JH Football is in full swing. Come cheer on your Jaguars!
Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.
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