July 19, 2024



“Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.”

 II Corinthians 4:1


Dear VCS friends and family,


I would be remiss if I did not open with thanks to our Lord that former President Donald Trump was kept safe, only days ago, in an assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.  I would be further remiss to not lift  up in prayer with you, the family who lost fire chief, husband, and father, Corey Comporatore.  On a day he likely woke with great expectation, he did not know that he would be shielding his wife and daughters’ bodies that afternoon, only to lose his life, but save theirs.  


It has been a week of reflection for all of us.  It has caused me personally to consider what my response must be.  I can grieve with them in my own way. All of us have experienced loss of some kind, but we can never truly understand the grief of another.  I consider this and can only ask the Lord in His kindness to help me best steward what I have been given, my days, my minutes, my opportunities, my responsibilities, and that He would lead me by His Spirit.  


For each one of us, the list is long, and often, the days feel short.  I have found myself in seasons “working hard,” sometimes feeling that items are never done, or crossing something off only to add two, three, or more items of urgency to that list. I know I am not alone.  I have concluded recently (and not for the first time) that I do not have time to waste going through the hours of my day in my own wisdom and strength, and I am very sure, everyone of you do not either.  We have the resources of heaven, and with intention each morning, or moment, must implore that the God of heaven make His wisdom and resources our own.  


I am finding so little time is wasted and so much more fruit for my labor when I have leaned in dependency on Him, partnering with Him, rather than forcing what I feel comes next out of my own human will. To do the latter leads us exhausted and without fruit. To trust Him and listen leads us to peace and fruit in its time. The Lord knows how I fail many times, but  His gifts and mercies are not to be overshadowed by self doubt or failures.  Rather, they raise the standard higher, equipping us to be like Him if we choose to lean on Him. 


We have enough hours in the day. We have kingdom resources.  We have the Holy Spirit, and the Mind of Christ.  We have His wisdom given freely and always without finding fault.  I have enough and I do not lack.  This must be my response in the face of considering the gravity of what may be required for any one of us without prior knowledge. Our response is that we have been given Jesus Himself for this day and this moment of our day. 


I pray with you for our nation, for the children that God has stewarded to us in this nation, for a revival of hearts and minds for His kingdom in our community, and that we would honor His Word and His voice, that He might see that we are good stewards and would give us more to manage in our homes, and our school, and our churches.  I pray for a revival and hunger in our community and the USA for Christian education and that the Lord Himself would bring us each “one” who His eyes have been upon and that He might use us to draw them to Him or closer.  


I’ll close this letter with 1 Corinthians 2:16. 


For, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 


I pray a beautiful weekend for each family reading this letter. I pray for specific needs daily of those brought to my attention.  The Lord sees each one of you. The Lord hears our prayers. He is constant and active, and very much alive.  Lift one another up in prayer without ceasing and steward each moment of this day.  


In Christ,

Kathy Thompson


Best Teacher of the Valley

Mrs. Mielke has been nominated for 2024 Best Teacher! What a fantastic honor and how wonderful to represent VCS. Please take a minute and vote for Mrs. Mielke. You may have to scroll down and find her under “Local”, then “Best Teacher” . Voting ends August 4th at 5 pm. Feel free to share this link. 

New VCS Board Member

We welcome Corissa Erdman as the new secretary for the Valley Christian School Board. Thank you so much for your willingness to serve and to be a part of the future of VCS.

Thank you for Golf Sponsors
We wanted to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone that participated as well as the generous sponsors and donors. Your support is a huge blessing and is directed toward the operations of VCS. Each generous donation to the school has a profound impact on our students! 🤍

Golf Tournament Sponsors: Best Enterprises, Bloom Lake Barn, Team Cunningham, Edward Jones- Mat Fisk, Townly, Kavira Health, Elevated Builders, Northwoods Roasterie.

Prize Donors: Hague Dental Care, Bill’s Ace Hardware, Poco Loco Mexican Grill ZaZa’s, Gustaf’s On Main Eatery, Farm and Thread, Abrahamson Nurseries, Northwoods Roasterie, Deutschland Meats, St Croix Falls Cinema, Glenna Farms, The Looking Glass, and Action Battery

Follow us on Instagram @valleychristian.school and @vcsjaguars

Help Wanted: Phy Ed Teacher for K-12 Secondary Math Teacher for grades 7-12 Do you want to do something more meaningful with your life? Do you want to work in a Christian Environment? We are hiring! Make an impact that will last for generations! Join us in the Great Commission to the St Croix Valley. https://www.valley-christian.org/employment-opportunities/
Do you want to get involved? We could use your help getting the school ready for the fall. Click here to see the list of things that need to be completed. Just let us know when works for you and we will make sure the doors are unlocked. Please sign your name or email the office so we know what has been completed and to count towards your volunteer hours.


Aug 6          6:00 VCS Board Meeting
Aug 22        6:00 Welcome Back Night-Corporate Meeting
Aug 28        First Day of School


Girls’ Volleyball and Boys’ Soccer will be starting August 5th.
Homeschoolers are welcome!
Please turn in your registration forms to the school office prior to the first practice. If you did not receive the informational email send a note to athletics@valley-christian.org and we will get that out to you. 

Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.

Follow the Jaguars on Instagram!


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