SEPT 23, 2021



Heb. 12:1 – Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, [emphasis added]

The original run of the “what we now know as the Iditarod,” was very harsh with few checkpoints along the way. The purpose of the run was to deliver the much needed diphtheria anti-toxin vials from Anchorage to Nome, AK. Of the total distance of 1000 miles, the dogsled part was 674 miles. The most well-known of the mushers of that original run was Leonhard Seppala and Gunner Kaasen. Seppala ran his dogs 284 miles over the Interior’s most treacherous part, and Kaasen finished the run to Nome. You might think nothing of it except when you find out that the mushers cover the 674 miles in just five and a half days. That is an
example of endurance.

We knew from the very get-go that the school year is comparable to a race or as I have noted earlier, a dogsled race where endurance outweighs speed or agility. Each day we encounter various onslaughts from our enemy, the devil. Nevertheless, we press on knowing that He who is victorious goes before us, shining light on the trail and helping to secure our footing. This past week though not fraught with hazards, contained issues and concerns that keeps our focus on Him.

A big thanks to all who put money into the bowl for the Perrins. They greatly appreciated it.

Last week I mentioned that VCS’s new Academic Advisor, Amanda Schulze, started on Thursday, and I was looking forward to having her part of the team. She has taken “ahold of the reins” of her position with gusto.

We have a couple of individuals that have expressed interest in the Financial Manager. In conversing with Betty G., board treasurer, we hope to have the position filled soon.

Thanks to all the parents who were able to make it to the special board meeting on Monday night. The contractor presented a different floor plan that what we had seen before. Part of the reasoning for the new plan is the availability of materials. If you want to see the floor plan, stop
by the school. I would ask you to pray as the contractor noted that the earliest occupancy of the new facility would not be until December 2022/January 2023. We need to pray that the Father who directs the affairs of men and of angels would expedite the whole process. Also, the price tag is a God-sized price tag – $3.5M. But as I told the students of the MS and HS, “the God who owns all things can supply (to Him) a tiny sum like this.”

Again, I want to reiterate the Fall Fundraiser/Banquet at “the Bloom Lake barn” – Oct 17th. There is a committee working this event. If you want to help with the planning and production, contact Corissa E. – More information to follow, but dress is warm casual.

Thanks to all the parents who have been working with your student(s) regarding the dress code. There is still some work to do, but I have seen progress.

We are just finishing the fourth week of the quarter/year, and Mrs. Schulze and I are working to be proactive with the MS/HS students so that there are no surprises at the first “check point,” October 22 nd . One of the ways that we are accomplishing that is to make the students aware of a portion of the Student Handbook where it talks about students with a grade of C- or lower in any subject. If a student is in this situation at the end of this week, they will be placed in what is called “Academic Recovery” until that situation is corrected. During the Academic Recovery period, the student will be under greater scrutiny on how they use their time both in and out of class. If you have any questions about this, give me a shout.

Lastly, Mrs. Rosenow will have a link below to RightNow Media that school provides free of charge to you. There are some great faith-building resources for you and your family contained in this service.

Pressing forward for His glory,

Ron Brace


Sept 27 
8:00  Mom’s in Prayer – join us to pray for our school
Oct. 5     
5:30   Board Meeting
Oct. 7     
11:50  Elementary Field Trip to Slattengren Farm
Oct. 17   
Fall Dessert Fundraiser at Bloom Lake Barn


Tonight, Sept. 23 5:00   JH Football at Prairie Farm
Tonight, Sept. 23 5:30   Soccer vs Immanuel Lutheran School at Home
Tonight, Sept. 23 5:30   JV & V Volleyball vs Immanueal Lutheran School at SCF Middle School
Friday, Sept. 24   6:30   JH & JV Volleyball at Hope Christian Academy-bus leaves at 4:45
Saturday Sept 25 9:00   Varsity Soccer & Volleyball vs Chisago Christian School at Chisago Christian School 
Saturday Sept 25  11:30 Varsity Soccer & Volleyball vs Rochester Home School at Chisago Christian School
Tuesday Sept. 28    4:30 JH, JV, & Varsity Volleyball at Chippewa Valley Home School

Check the Athletic Calendar for sports, dates, times, and addresses. You will have to click on the event for the details.

Follow the Jaguars on Instagram!


Please remind your students that the school is no longer providing plates and silverware. They will need to furnish their own. The utensils and plates that are in the kitchen cabinets are Hope Church’s-not for VCS use.


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